Mongolia Travel & Trip Itinerary featuring Altai Eagle Festival

Eagle Festivals of Mongolia

Experience Kazakh Traditions and the Gobi Desert

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Eagle Festivals of Mongolia

Luxury Group Travel | 14 Days | Limited to 12 Guests
  • Delight in the celebratory atmosphere of either the Altai Eagle Festival or the Golden Eagle Festival
  • Spend your nights in comfort and ease at your private ger camp while attending the festival
  • Delve into unspoiled wilderness as you join Kazakh hunters and their birds on a traditional hunt
  • Connect with hospitable nomadic families, learning about their unique way of life
  • Discover Mongolia’s growing capital Ulaanbaatar, then marvel at the soundless, dreamlike vistas of the Gobi’s Flaming Cliffs and Singing Sands

Mongolia’s eagle festivals celebrate the Kazakh tradition of hunting with trained eagles, a custom that spans centuries and which few visitors are privy. On this immersive journey, take a front-row seat at this intimate affair, reveling in the pomp and pageantry of the competition and its competitors. While in the remote region of the festival, spend time with our Kazakh friends on a thrilling eagle hunt and stay at a private ger camp on the sprawling steppe—experiences that lend unmatched insight into nomadic life.

You’ll also spend time soaking up the country’s additional highlights, including time in Ulaanbaatar —amid resurgent Buddhist temples and proud museums—and in the ethereal landscapes of the Gobi.

Trip Overview

Maybe even more special than the festival was the dinner we had in the nomad encampment with the eagle hunter family and all the crew that took care of us. Mongolians love to sing and they have wonderful voices.

1 – 2

Arrive in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia's capital, and explore its fascinating mix of religions and cultures See Gobi dinosaur skeletons and hear traditional khoomei (“throat singing”).

3 – 6

Fly to the Gobi Desert and venture to the spectacular Khongoriin Els dunes (the "singing sands")   Connect with a nomadic family  Behold the dramatic scenery of the Yol Valley and watch for the lammergeyer, a huge bearded vulture.

7 – 8

After stopping over in Ulaanbaatar, jet to Olgii, set in the heart of Central Asia’s majestic Altai Mountains Time with an eagle hunter's family and nights in a private ger camp deepen your experience of western Mongolia.

9 – 11

 Join a group of eagle hunters and venture into the countryside in search of prey   Experience the revelry of the Eagle Festival, watching Kazakh competitions and games in the jovial company of locals

12 – 14

Depending on flight schedules, discover more of the western Olgii along the lovely Khovd River or spend a day soaking up the landscapes of Khustain Nuruu National Park (home to the Asian wild horse) Return to Ulaanbaatar and depart for home.


Dates & Prices


09/12/24 – 09/25/24   (Sold out)

09/08/25 – 09/21/25   Altai Eagle Festival

09/25/25 – 10/08/25   Golden Eagle Festival


Group Trip: From $11,750 per person

based on double occupancy


  • Expertise of GeoEx’s travel specialists
  • Services of GeoEx’s in-house air reservations team
  • All accommodations
  • Some gratuities
  • All ground transportation and airport transfers
  • Sightseeing, events, visits, and entrance fees
  • Most meals
  • Bottled or filtered water at included meals and while sightseeing
  • Services of a GeoEx trip leader, local guides, drivers, and other staff
  • Emergency evacuation services and secondary medical expense insurance

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