If you’re satisfied with booking your trip online and hoping for the best, you don’t need us. But if you’re after extraordinary experiences in edge-of-the-map locales, GeoEx—consistently ranked among the world’s top travel companies—is the right company for you. Interesting travel experiences are not simple to plan, let alone find. And that is what makes GeoEx distinct. We know our destinations thoroughly, collaborate with exceptional in-country colleagues, and have 40 years of experience orchestrating eye-opening journeys.
“We thought we had been to many of the most interesting places on earth. Then we met up with GeoEx and are becoming increasingly addicted.”
–Gregg B.
Why We Are Different
Experience & Passion
There’s no substitute for boots-on-the-ground experience: seamless, fulfilling, beyond-the-ordinary travel involves far more than a few mouse clicks. GeoEx staff vets every trip aspect each year, from our longtime in-country representatives to our newest discoveries. Every destination expert spends at least three weeks per year in their region, often more. And with our reach, we can connect your explorations across countries and hemispheres. We’re proud to have been named one of the top tour operators in the world by Travel + Leisure and Condé Nast Traveller.
Access & Safety
How do you best explore rapidly changing and remote places while limiting the inherent risk? What should you consider regarding your personal needs and a company’s capacity to address problems? We carefully address these important questions with our comprehensive risk-management program. We constantly compare ourselves to the highest travel safety standards and urge you to do the same.
Travel with Integrity
We do not travel as escapists. We explore other countries and cultures appreciating their different perspectives, carefully weighing where to invest and build relationships. We are clear on what assurances, financial and otherwise, to provide. And if giving back is important to you, we’re delighted to steer you in the right direction.
Personal Service
Since 1982 we’ve built our business around personable, highly individualized service. We know discerning travelers expect it, and we expect it of ourselves.
We are committed to creating a journey that meets your expectations and we’re persnickety about details large and small: creative trip design; enriching leaders; top-notch accommodations; the right daily activities, permits, vehicles, and restaurants; and more. In fact, GeoEx is one of the few companies with an in-house air reservations/support team. We’re dedicated to dotting every i and crossing every t.
Since we launched the business more than three decades ago, GeoEx’s mission has been to provide our guests with experiences that would be challenging or impossible to create on one’s own. From our roots in pioneering travel to the far reaches of the planet, we have incessantly searched for new delights and remarkable ways to experience time-honored destinations.
We urge you to surf the net, call our competitors, and check the fine print. You’ll see how we compare. Our prices are comprehensive and inclusive, especially considering the expertise and highly personalized service that go into every one of our trips. And we offer the widest array of far-flung and unique travel destinations.
Since repeat and referred guests are GeoEx’s mainstay, we urge you to ask us for references from the individuals, prestigious museums, academic institutions, foundations, and nonprofit organizations for which we’ve developed and operated trips over the years.