Top Travel Destinations In The World for 2019 | GeoEx
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Top Travel Destinations In The World

By GeoEx Staff | November 13, 2018

We at GeoEx are passionate about exploring the world and introducing others to the wonders we find. Every year the company sends virtually all of its staff to far-flung corners around the globe with a two-fold mission: to field-test and spiff up our current offerings, and to discover amazing new places and activities for our custom and group trips. We asked our destination specialists which top travel destinations they are especially excited to share with our travelers. Here are our top travel destinations.


“From the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx to Luxor’s ornate tombs of kings and queens, Egypt’s monuments are staggering in their grandeur. But modern-day Egypt is equally stunning, and with social stability and traveler safety restored, this culturally rich and complex country is poised for a grand comeback in 2019. In honor of this comeback, we’ve just designed a special, women-only group trip for 2019 (stay posted for the announcement). And we still love to tailor our custom trips in Egypt to our travelers’ individual interests (they often include weeklong Nile cruises aboard luxurious dahabeyas, something I had the pleasure of experiencing earlier this year).” –Kim Keating

Eastern Bhutan

Lhuentse Dzong with rainbow overhead in eastern Bhutan

“As lovers of beautiful, untouristed corners rich in Buddhist culture, we’re thrilled that eastern Bhutan is opening. Thanks to a new airport, the area is accessible without days of driving, and extraordinary textiles, birding, temples, and hiking await. Our Brent Olson is already developing a new journey to eastern Bhutan to deeply explore its traditions and meet its people. His decades of experience in Bhutan and inside connections are sure to bring very special access and interactions travelers won’t find anywhere else.” –Errin Mixon


The ornate interior of the Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul, Turkey

“European and Asian travelers are beginning to return to Türkiye for its sensational mix of storied ruins, fascinating culture, and tantalizing cuisine. Cruising along the Aegean coast in a comfortable gulet is one wonderful option. Others include floating by hot-air balloon over Cappadocia’s otherworldly rock formations, wandering Istanbul’s colorful bazaars, and sharing meals with locals in their villages. We felt safe and welcome everywhere and were the only Americans in sight. We recommend visiting soon!” –Kim Anderson


Elephant sighting on Lake Rwanyakazinga in Akagera National Park, Rwanda

“Travel in Rwanda has always been associated with gorilla trekking through the jungles of Volcanoes National Park, but the country is diversifying. One notable offering in this regard is Akagera National Park, Rwanda’s only savannah/plains ecosystem national park. After the 1994 genocide, the park was reduced in size by two-thirds, and much of the wildlife was hunted out. Happily, it’s now flourishing. Lions were reintroduced in 2015, and their population has more than doubled since then. Eastern black rhinos were reintroduced in 2017, officially making this a Big Five park. On top of all this, Akagera’s first luxury accommodation is set to open this December.”  –Starla Estrada


Leopard basking in late afternoon sunlight in Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia

“This blissfully off-the-beaten-path country offers all the amazing wildlife and top-notch lodgings of the famed African safari locales, but with far fewer visitors. On my recent Zambia safari, I was blown away by the quality of animal sightings, safari guides, camps, and landscapes. Whether it’s your first or fifth safari, Zambia is a fantastic safari destination for game viewing and active bush-exploring options, like wonder-filled walking safaris. And the fact that it’s not-your-everyday safari destination gives you even more to talk about with your friends.” –Jessica Silber


Stars over Three Camel Lodge ger camp in Mongolia's Gobi Desert

“This geographically gorgeous and culturally rich area remains off most travelers’ radars, yielding an immensely rewarding journey for the intrepid few who venture to Mongolia. One special highlight is experiencing the thrilling Golden Eagle Festival. Another is spending time at an incredible ger camp set on the sprawling steppe, where you can get a taste of nomadic lifestyle, learn about the ancient world empires that have sprung from this region, and soak up the exquisite landscapes in a range of ways: riding Mongolian horses, going for hikes, taking polo and archery lessons, kayaking, swimming, doing yoga, even rock climbing and mountain biking.” –Tina Liadis

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To start planning your adventure to these top travel destinations or any of GeoEx’s other far-flung locales, give us a call at 888-570-7108 or inquire online.

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