Train Travel and Safety: Middle East and Russia | GeoEx

Train Travel & Safety FAQ’s

Frequently Asked Questions

Trans-Siberian train traveling along Lake Baikal in Russia.

Train travel through Eurasia and the Middle East remains high on our list of favorites thanks to its natural beauty and cultural richness. Lately travelers have expressed concern about the political climate in these regions. The most commonly asked questions are answered below.

How does GeoEx stay current on the political situations in the Middle East and Russia, and how they may affect travel?

GeoEx and our colleagues in our safety network carefully monitor travel conditions in these regions and throughout the world. We consider a wide array of up-to-date information, including US travel advisories and in-country alerts.

Is GeoEx equipped to handle logistics in the event the political climate disrupts our trip or travel homeward?

Yes, GeoEx maintains a nearly around-the-clock logistics, air, security, and emergency assistance center with our safety advisor counsel, and the Shoreland Travax health information service. We’ll be there to make alternate arrangements should the need arise.

Will GeoEx offer an exchange or refund in the event of an escalating political situation?

GeoEx is prepared to be flexible and find alternatives if, due to the political situation, a visa is refused or a US government warning is issued against travel in locales along the itinerary.

Should my train trip be disrupted, what are my alternatives?

GeoEx has a series of engaging rail journeys that traverse Eurasia from Tbilisi in the west to Vladivostok in the east, and Moscow in the north to Tehran in the south.

We’re Available for You

We’re happy to elaborate on the answers above and reply to any other questions you may have. Give us a call at 888-570-7108.

GeoEx eBook:
The Best of Wanderlust

An Anthology of Travel Stories
Edited by Don George