Bhutan Travel Guides & Escorted Tour Leaders | GeoEx

Bhutan Leaders & Guides


Trip leaders have a tremendous impact on the quality of your in-country experience, which is why we spend so much time vetting ours. On our luxury tours to Bhutan, we insist that you travel with the best. Through our longtime friendships and working relationships there, we get a chance to see things that other travel companies simply cannot.

We employ at least one Bhutanese leader per trip, skilled folks who know how to cater to Western sensibilities, as well as open doors to their home. Whether it’s participating in a private prayer ceremony that’s generally off-limits to the public or passing quickly through a roadside checkpoint while other groups fuss with paperwork, our Bhutan travelers are treated as honored guests and friends.

Meet Some of our Fantastic Leaders & Guides

Tandin Gyeltshen
Tandin has trekked and traveled all over Bhutan and been involved in tourism for more than a decade. After growing up on a farm near Punakha and attending high school in Darjeeling, India, Tandin studied history at the university in Thimphu. He is a natural scholar of Bhutanese folk stories and religion. His passion for the mountains and knowledge of their flora and fauna quickly become evident after a little time with him. He also speaks fluent Japanese.

Namgey Wangmo
Namgey hails from the fertile valleys of Punakha in Bhutan and is the mother of three sons. When she is not guiding a trip or taking care of her family, she volunteers with a cooperative that helps divorced and underprivileged Bhutanese women earn a living and support their own families through their weaving skills. Passionate about fitness, she enjoys hiking, biking, and working out. She studied in Bhutan and in the hill stations of India at Kalimpong.

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GeoEx eBook:
The Best of Wanderlust

An Anthology of Travel Stories
Edited by Don George