Visiting Uzbekistan: Silk Road Travel Itinerary | GeoEx
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Splendors of the Silk Road: Visiting Uzbekistan

By Alysa Pakkidis | February 27, 2015

Uzbekistan was the center of the Silk Road in the Middle Ages, and its rulers left behind impressive art and architecture. From weaving to embroidery and pottery to papermaking to awe-inspiring architecture, it’s a country full of many generations of applied artistry.

This skill and love for the applied arts is still a huge part of why the country is so colorful and beautiful to travel in. While visiting one of the many must-see mosques on my Silk Road itinerary, I came across an artist working on some new pieces Watching him intricately paint on handmade tiles with such ease was mesmerizing. The brush seemed to dance delicately while the detail remained precise, and all the while the artist made it look effortless.

Uzbekistan is a magnificent country that will entice the senses and awaken the artist within!

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Read more from the Splendors of the Silk Road blog series:
Splendors of the Silk Road: Xian
Splendors of the Silk Road: Dunhuang
Splendors of the Silk Road: Kashgar
Splendors of the Silk Road: Krygyzstan

For more information on this journey, visit The Silk Road: A Journey Through Time or call a GeoEx destination specialist at 888-570-7108.

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